
figlia del caos. vagabonda nell'universo. ballerina tra le foglie.

mercoledì 9 maggio 2012


and so it is. like u said it would be.
sometimes i ask to myself: what if...?  we didn t live together? probably i would have sent u to the hell long time ago. i know myself. probably u wouldn t have let me go into ur heart.
u didn t break up with her? we would never be what we r.
i didn t come to dublin? we would never ever even met each other.
life is the result of some accurate coincidents that create their game. scegliamo la nostra strada a volte inconsapevoli. just this. tutti i se sbriciolano a terra. they don t matter. we choose our present. when the love knock at ur door there rn t many words. what u r living is  asking u all the energy.
a record. that doesn t really matter by the moment everything is printed inside of u.

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